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Getting Ready for the Spring Graduate Semester

posted by LIM College

by Achala Ganesan

heart_stones-1.jpgThe start of a new semester, let alone a whole new year, is like life throwing you a Monday morning to an infinite power. There is something to be said about that “going back to school” feeling after the holidays. You’ve probably spent an amazing time with your family, eaten your weight in good food, and had a lovely time. And now you’re recharged, refreshed, and ready to hit the ground running for the new semester!

Looking back on your previous semester, I’m sure you’ve had time to think about the things you know you excelled at and areas that in which you could improve. Take an objective look and start making a plan to help you overcome those obstacles and setbacks in the new semester.

There are some tips that I’d like to share to help any of you out there who want to make this semester a stress-free, smooth, and organised one. This way, by planning ahead, you’ll be able to have freer weekends, more relaxed holidays when you do have them, and all in all, have a great term.

Folio.jpg1. Write up a calendar with your classes, work or internship schedules. This way, you’ll know how much time you’ll realistically have for homework, hitting the gym, hobbies, and going out.

2. It’s also a good idea to make a checklist of things you’ll need for the new term. Be it books, supplies, winter wear (!), stuff for your room or even a gorgeous new bag, which of course is necessary for academic success!

3. Go out and get yourself some new school supplies. They don’t need to be fancy. Just something new so you feel like it’s a fresh start. This could totally be the placebo effect, but I always feel like new notebooks and pens are going to help me get (and stay!) organized. Scour the internet for some inspiration for planners, files and notecards. Who said study material needs to be boring?

Desk.jpg4. Write down a list of goals for the new term. These need not be school related and can be things you want to achieve outside of school. The items on your list can be work related, developing a new hobby or even a bit of traveling. This will give you some great work-life balance and will help you stay sane and motivated during midterms and finals!

5. Do some spring cleaning in your room! Put up some art, rearrange the furniture and make sure your study and work area is clutter free. This will create a functional work space and a place that you’ll want to come back to after a hard day.

6. And as always, think positive! You’re going to face things that you didn’t expect, but it’s important to keep calm, not freak out, and remember that every deadline, exam, submission, journal entry, interview, and presentation shall pass!

So, good luck to all of you, and have a wonderful semester!

Topics: student life, Student Advice