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Keeping the Fires Burning at the Temple of Vesta

posted by LIM College

The Temple of Vesta, located in the Roman Forum, was the temple built for the Goddess Vesta, who was the goddess of the hearth. The hearth was located in Roman homes, therefore Vesta is also known as the goddess of homes. According to mythology, Vesta was only happy when the fire in her temple was burning. staff Staff Profiles Desktops & Documents mfinnin My Documents My Pictures Website images blog photos almonte feb21 resized 600
Since Vesta could only be happy while the fire was burning, she had her own Vestal Virgins to protect the fire from dying down. In the times of the Romans, it was an honor to be called upon to become a Vestal Virgin because they were the most sacred of women. staff Staff Profiles Desktops & Documents mfinnin My Documents My Pictures Website images blog photos almonte feb21 a resized 600
In addition, the average Roman woman, or girl, was not expected to live past the age of 18. Girls were married off at the tender age of eleven or twelve, and at that age, their bodies were not yet able to bear a child. As a result, most of them died in childbirth.

Topics: study abroad, Rome, Italy

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