Deciding to get a graduate degree is a major commitment of money and time and a decision that can have a significant impact on your future. Before you decide to go to grad school some things you should consider are:
Knowing yourself and how grad school may fit in with your long-term goals is key.
Photo by Erica Genece of FindSpark
Some of the benefits of going to grad school include: advancing in your career and education, having greater earning power, working on advanced projects, having research opportunities, and because you want to! Making a list of pros and cons to attending grad school is one useful way of weighing whether or not it’s the right choice for you. Meeting with your Career Advisor is also a good option; talking out your thoughts with an impartial expert may help you clarify if attending grad school is the next logical step in your personal and professional journey.
Check out for more information on LIM’s own graduate programs!
Taryn Garshofsky
Career Advisor