Undergraduate Students Blog

Finding a Friend from Brazil

Written by LIM College | 5/26/14 3:45 PM

Generally, I am a very reserved person – once I know you I will loosen up, but don’t expect me to go crazy talking to random people, it’s just not me!

However, I think that being an international student and being sort of different than the others makes the idea of getting together with someone who is from the same country very appealing. I remember when we were introducing ourselves in Retailing class I learned that there was another Brazilian in the class – I was so excited. Immediately we sat together and started chatting – a lot.

heart hands

Caroline has been living in the U.S. since she was a kid and grew up completely differently than I did. She is also from a different region in Brazil than I am, and because of that she has a different accent and traditions than I do. But at the core, we are just Brazilian girls who have our warm culture in common.

Along the way we have helped each other in classes, to find internships, gone to fun places together, and have kept in contact even though we now don’t see each other as often as we did. I believe that once you click with someone – especially someone who makes you feel closer to home – there is nothing that can come between that. Not even crazy busy school schedules. I am just happy to have found her!

Carla and Caroline