Undergraduate Students Blog

Looking Back on the Semester: An Immersion into Fashion

Written by LIM College | 12/13/12 4:48 PM

I could describe this fall semester at LIM College in a few words/phrases: HARD WORK, DIFFERENT and totally FUN!! 

All of my classes required a lot of involvement. Being able to actively participate in classes is a great thing if you are interested in becoming better, both academically and professionally speaking, which I was! I had hands-on classes, group projects and research papers. In very different ways, each of them made me grow and learn so much about this industry that I am so passionate about.  

This semester I was able to visit fashion companies like Bobbi Trim and Adrienne Launer and I took away everything I could from those field trips as I kept dreaming about the day I will be working for companies like these.

I also had the chance to be involved in fashion shows, volunteer experiences in the fashion world, and workshops for my Industry Exploration class. It was fun to see everything so closely and network with people who may eventually hire me.

For the spring semester I have a few plans, as well as an open mind for whatever opportunities I find along the way. I will be doing a retail internship that has to be completed this following semester and with it I hope to change my mind about dealing with and selling to people who are not always interested in purchasing. I have always disliked being on a store floor (other than for shopping!! Ha-ha) and this internship will be a different environment for me! SCARY!

I also have high expectations for the classes I will be taking. I hope they will give even more things to add to my portfolio, and as usual, have even more fun than I did this semester!

Oh...let’s not forget, I am also planning to take a little vacation to Brazil pretty soon!! JEALOUS?

Happy Holidays everyone! See you all in 2013!