Undergraduate Students Blog

Pre-Summer Relaxation

Written by LIM College | 5/10/10 6:47 PM

As everyone prepares for final exams this week, the thing on most people’s minds are summer festivities and just being done with school. At least I know that’s how I feel. With the weather getting nicer there are so many things you can do before it’s time to leave the city. One thing that I was able to do was go to a Yankees game at the new stadium. This is one thing I would recommend everyone who lives in New York City do at least once.

The weather was awesome, the Yankees won (of course) and it was nice to just think about something other than final exams and projects for a little while. Being able to take your mind off of exams and do something else is very beneficial to your own well-being sometimes and then it’s easier to focus on the things that really matter when those exams do roll around.

Another thing that is nice to do to take your mind off the weight off all your finals is lie out in the park. Luckily we’ve been really fortunate to have nice weather lately so we’re able to enjoy the nice weather before school gets out. Some people take the opportunity to study in the park, but I have never been able to pay attention to studying while it’s so nice outside.

One more way that I clear my mind in this crazy stressful time is just walking around the city listening to my iPod. Music always clears my mind and being able to get a little exercise while I see the city is the perfect way for me to relax before finals week. Trying to pack up my whole room to fly back across the country and also study for exams is going to be hard, but being able to relax a little will help me out. Wish me luck!