Undergraduate Students Blog

Fashion Industry Inspiration

Written by LIM College | 10/7/11 6:55 PM

Hey there! So as you prepare to move to NYC and attend LIM College, you must be wondering, when will I get that spark of insight or inspiration that will lead to my future success? What will be that defining moment when I know everything is right?

I'm here to let you know that  you will be exposed to many individuals who are leaders in the industry. The LIM College staff works hard to utilize their connections to provide opportunities for us to network and learn from those who have already blazed a trail along the road we all desire to travel upon. You will be up close and personal to the lives of those who had that moment of clarity and inspiration, and acted on it to reach their level of success today.   

This past week I attended two events. First was the AFINGO Fashion Forum, which was a SoHo House Series, titled, The Cycle of Inspiration. I was privileged to listen to Lucky Magazine Fashion News and Features Director Jen Ford lead a discussion panel that included an acclaimed stylist and four influential designers. Each of them shed light on what has sparked their inspiration. They spoke of turning their individual inspirations into something useful and profitable, which would satisfy their consumers’ needs and wants, as well as fulfill their own creative aspirations.

The second event I attended was the Fashion Insider Series which is held at LIM College. I listened to former Essence Magazine Editor Zandile Blay along with the creator of Jackthreads.com, Jason Ross. Both spoke of their path in the fashion industry, and how they have overcome obstacles and continue to build upon them today.

The common theme that I took away from each of the speakers was that inspiration is everywhere and it is unique to each and every one of us. If you are inspired, express yourself using that inspiration. If you are motivated, act on your idea. There is no right answer to anything that you will do in the fashion industry. Instead, what you do and how you do it will be defined by your passion and your ability to believe in your inspirations and ideas.

Just as Zandile Blay expressed, be “exponential.” Make your ultimate goals “exponential,” meaning that what you believe in is taken to the next level, it is the best it can be and still improving.

When you move to the big city and attend LIM College, look deep inside and discover what truly inspires you. Formulate ideas, remain passionate about them, and make those dreams happen. In the end, we must remember, that everything originates from somewhere, so find a void in this world and fill it with your hard work and love. You can do it.

Until next week, Be inspired and inspire, XOXO Court