Undergraduate Students Blog

Stepping into a Dream Fashion Internship

Written by LIM College | 10/28/11 6:05 PM

When one door closes, another door opens. Sounds so cliché, right? But what a perfect set of seven words to describe the mood and mantra of LIM College right now. It is that time of year. Let’s just say that doors at LIM are closing and opening right and left!

As the end of the semester nears, we students are busier than ever with finals quickly approaching, followed by the start of our Work Project internships. Now is a time of studying and stress, but the fact that we LIM College students are about to take over the world of retail in Manhattan makes it a little less daunting and a lot more exciting.   

As the door closes on semester one of my LIM College journey, another opens as I set out to begin my internship. Let’s just say that one question is continually running through my mind. “Is this real life?”

Today is my first day as an Assistant Sales Associate at the Oscar de la Renta Boutique on Madison Avenue. It is quite the feeling to dream of living in a certain place, and working at a certain store, and to then see those dreams come to life right before your eyes.

This semester has consisted of hard work day in and day out, but at the same time, the last two months have flown by in a New York minute! As I prepare to take one big step into a dream internship, I begin to reflect on how lucky I am to have experienced all that I have in such a short time. As an LIM College freshman, you will have exciting opportunities surrounding you as well, so take it all in and reflect on your accomplishments.

The atmosphere at LIM College is a sight to be seen. There is an air of excitement as students cluster to share their unique anticipations about the months of interning to come. I cannot wait for you to experience the feeling of pure joy of everyone who is getting up, getting out, and making their dreams come true in the one city where nothing is impossible. I will be sure to share my internship experiences as they come along, and cannot wait to hear yours one day.

Until next week -- Dream the impossible and make it possible, XOXO Court