Undergraduate Students Blog

Words of Wisdom from Fashion Guru Patricia Field - and Me

Written by LIM College | 11/11/11 6:00 PM

Wow! One week from today I will officially be able to say that I have completed my first semester of college here at LIM. I guess time sure flies when you are living, learning, and loving every minute of it!

As the semester comes to a close and we students begin our Work Project internships, we have the month and a half ahead of us to look forward to. We will embrace the knowledge we will gain at our respective jobs, and the time we will have to further explore New York City. As a student at LIM College you will look forward to every second of going to school and living here. The amazing part about New York City is that you will always have something to look forward to, something exciting to attend, or something completely unplanned to experience,  that will end up becoming one of your favorite memories. 

In that case, can I just tell you how excited I am for the holiday season in the city!? I’m the first to admit that I’m like a giddy little kid when November and December roll around. Before moving here, I always heard about how beautiful New York City was at this time of year, and with the holiday season in full swing, I am starting to feel giddy already!

I am disappointed that I won’t be able to go home for Thanksgiving, but coming from a girl whose family has watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade every year since she can remember, I am quite enthused to wake up early and catch a glimpse of the balloons flying high and the streets full of energy. I can’t wait for the holiday window displays on 5th Avenue, for the tree lighting, and to buy a gift for the little girl I selected as a part of the Tree of Giving. All this excitement is just around the corner, and as an LIM College student you will be in the heart of the city with the opportunity to experience and embrace it all. 

As you can probably tell, recently I have not been able to contain my excitement for the months to come, so last night when I attended the Fashion Insiders guest speaker series and listened to Patricia Field speak, she said something that truly caught my attention. Patricia said, “Remaining young at heart is the most important thing in your life.”

Coming from the style guru who created the impeccable costumes of Sex and the City and The Devil Wears Prada, her imagination and young spirit is more evident than ever. As she said those words I couldn’t help but apply it to my life. Never will I contain my excitement for the holidays, for Thanksgiving dinner, for quality time with my family spent frosting sugar cookies and decorating our tree. I can’t describe the feeling I get when the house is warm and hot cocoa is brewing, but I know that it has something to do with me feeding the youth of my heart.

So as you dream big and move to New York City to attend LIM College, bring your whole heart right along with you. Even the young part, even the part that loves everything from your youth that you have fond memories about.

No matter what age you are, you are never too old to be young at heart.

Until next week, live forever young, XOXO Court