Undergraduate Students Blog

Senior Co-op Internship at Barneys New York: An Exciting First Day

Written by LIM College | 9/26/11 8:44 PM

On the first day of my Senior Co-op at Barney’s New York I left extra early to get there. Commuting on a bus for the first time from Staten Island I knew I would have to give myself ample time to get in, and of course I wanted to be early on my first day.

I quickly got the vibe my boss Shana was very down-to-earth and enjoyed her job as well as teaching what she does. After she showed me around the whole building she brought me to my desk. I got a desk! I was so thrilled because at my last two internships I never really had a personal space where I could actually leave stuff and know that that’s my area. I felt like an even bigger part of the company than I did before.

I sat with Shana all day talking about what she does and going over how they are in “open to buys,” right now, but they were just closing them up and will start spring open to buys soon. That’s when I’ll be able to see a little more of how the process goes! Can’t wait!

The craziest thing happened after lunch. NYC had an earthquake. Everyone was in an uproar and trying to figure out what was going on. After we found out for sure what happened and that we were allowed to stay in our building I went to a meeting with the IT dept. with my boss in her office.