Undergraduate Students Blog

Fashion Internships: Aim High!

Written by LIM College | 10/12/12 2:11 PM

My current internship is at an independent arts organization called RAW: Natural Born Artists. We are nationwide (and newly international courtesy of Brisbane, Australia!), but I personally have ties to the lovely Brooklyn, NY. We do monthly events showcasing 20+ local artists across the spectrums of visual arts, performing arts, music, fashion, hair, makeup and more. Basically, if you’re local and you’ve got talent on the rise – we want YOU.

But what does a RAW event entail, exactly? Head over to our home of Littlefield in Gowanus, Brooklyn by 8PM sharp! Enter to instantly become emerged into an all-night visual art display that accessorizes our walls as the show goes on. We typically begin with music sets that will changeover into short films, followed by a show in hair, makeup or fashion by various designers. The night closes with our DJ, Robert Lux, spinning a little after party until all traffic flows out.

Finishing up my first season with RAW Brooklyn this coming December I will be showcasing my own art in the form of jewelry making through my entrepreneurial accessories line; Trash & Treasure. It will be our ‘Holiday RAWk’ event showcasing multiple vendors for gifty items in preparation for the holidays.

All this internship talk probably has your mind buzzing and you eager to leap into the field you aspire to be in. Do a bit of research and apply everywhere! Never judge a company solely by their name – the prestige typically equates to pretentiousness in reality. It’s the underdogs that usually offer the real magic and in-depth experience. Abuse your resources through LIM. Symplicity, your peers, advisors, and professors – literally anyone could be a connection. Networking, politeness and drive exemplified through your evident passion will land you any fashion internship you shoot for. Aim high!