Undergraduate Students Blog

LIM Holiday Shopping Event – Trash & Treasure’s First Pop-up Store!

Written by LIM College | 12/11/12 3:07 PM

On Dec. 6 I was privileged to participate in LIM College's Holiday Shopping Event in FashionOpolis in the LIM College Townhouse along with other student and alumni vendors.

My company, Trash & Treasure, began as a jewelry line a little under a year ago as part of a proposed store project for my Intro to Visual Merchandising class. While planning out all the logistics, I realized this concept needed to become a reality. So I’ve spent the past few months pouring my heart and creative mind into cultivating a tangible collection to represent what inspires and interests me. As the pieces progressed and my interests varied, I decided to expand Trash & Treasure into an online accessories line featuring one-of-a-kind vintage finds, upcycled treasures and custom pieces tailored to my clientele.

  limcollege.edu staff Staff Profiles Desktops & Documents mfinnin My Documents My Pictures Website images blog photos mcdermott 121112 table resized 600

Trash & Treasure’s number one priority is maintaining a positive shopping experience for both parties while satisfying the customer to the best of my ability. This includes my mission to enhance and celebrate both you and your style rather than hoping that you fit into some replicated mold I’ve attempted to consider as a brand. This means that at Trash & Treasure you will be welcomed with a smile and me at the ready to learn about your personal style, your interests, and what inspires you in order for us to create a piece together that you can call your own.

For example, at my pop-up shop I decided to take my studded beanie craze to the next level and open up the design process to my customers. With a spot dedicated to custom beanies, I housed the hats (pick your color!) alongside an array of various studs for you to select and arrange followed by me putting it all together on the spot. In 20 minutes you have a custom beanie that you helped create - and a new friend – 'cause I can talk your ear off and extract your life story, with genuine interest, in 15 mins flat.

  limcollege.edu staff Staff Profiles Desktops & Documents mfinnin My Documents My Pictures Website images blog photos mcdermott 121112 hats resized 600

I was lucky enough to be placed alongside my best friend from LIM College, Tess Arnold, who also happens to be the owner of the online contemporary boutique Ess & Tellie . The event was a complete hit for the two of us and on our way home we discussed our plans and interest in doing something like this far more often…perhaps Spring!

Would any of you LIMers be interested in more frequent pop-up shops around campus? Or like to get YOUR business in one as well? Email me (meghan.mcdermott@limcollege.edu) and let’s chat and collaborate! I love fresh minds and a good fellow fashion entrepreneur.

There’s truthfully no better feeling than feeling right or happy about what you’re doing. Abuse and exhaust every resource and networking opportunity presented to you, you never know how small this world is until the middle-aged man you helped direct to the right subway line drops you a card that directs you to a connection at a fashion magazine. Talk about your business and your goals to anyone and everyone that will listen. All feedback is good feedback.

So, work as hard as you possibly can and keep pushing through your obstacles because it is going to pay off. Twist all doubt into hope and use that to fuel your faith. No hard work goes unnoticed, but be mindful of the presentation of this grant – success comes in various forms. Be patient, honest, passionate and driven and I promise your dreams will become reality.

I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing holiday and that you enter this coming year with a mind wide open to opportunity and dream-chasing. Make this your year, I know I’ll be doing the same.

Don’t forget to stop by my site  to check out the Holiday Craze sale to score 10% off your holiday goodies. (Use coupon code: HIDDENTREASURE) Last shipment before Christmas goes out December 18, so get shopping!