Undergraduate Students Blog

The Dazzling Costumery & Spectacle of Cirque du Soleil

Written by LIM College | 6/16/10 6:34 PM
Anyone I’ve spoken to about Cirque du Soleil shows always raves that they are amazing. As a birthday gift from my boyfriend, I had the opportunity to see Ovo, the latest show, from the front row. The storyline revolves around an egg that insects discover in their little community and which they argue about whether to keep, and a subplot concerns a cute attraction between a ladybug and a fly.

Ovo was definitely a spectacle. Aerial acrobats soar gracefully, while others balance dangerously on merely a string or poles. The performers also flip, tumble, do splits, and even juggle. Comedy that requires no dialogue is performed between each feature, and the show even involves some audience participation. 

The music, costumes, and the precision in colors and makeup were absolutely exquisite. Each character was truly brought to life with magnificent detail in the performance and the imagery.  Liz Vandal, the costume designer for Ovo, successfully conveyed a brilliant vision.  The materials in the costumes and prints managed to embody the look of real insects, yet retain the flexibility to enable the performer to achieve the natural and choreographed movements of this incredible show. Cirque du Soleil has made a tradition of astounding performances, and Ovo suggests that shows to come will probably be equally mesmerizing.

-- Audrey Ong

Cirque du Soleil’s website:

Review of “O,” another Cirque du Soleil show:

A history of circuses, from a site devoted to juggling: