Undergraduate Students Blog

Travel Chic

Written by LIM College | 7/20/10 7:26 PM
You don’t need a private jet to travel in style, and a few tips might make your travel more fun as well as stylish.

For navigating through airports, I’ve always found it extremely helpful to wear comfortable shoes,such as ballet flats or TOMS slip-on sneakers, and have an extra socks on hand to avoid standing barefoot while on the high-traffic security line. Some key items to stock up on for your trip include cotton tees in an assortment of colors to mix and match for casual wear. Leggings or opaque stockings are light to pack and practical to wear under a tunic or mini-dress for cold days.

What you pack in your suitcase, other than clothes, is also important.  A toiletry kit will keep you organized and your clothes protected from accidental makeup spills. While I wouldn’t recommend jewelry that is expensive or has sentimental value, a compact jewelry case will prevent misplacement or mix-ups. One should always keep undergarments in a separate bag to avoid an awkward moment if airport security decides to scrutinize every section of your bags.

I've realized that when packing a suitcase it’s much easier to roll clothes such as t-shirts and tops, rather than to fold them, and rolling also lessens wrinkles and saves space. If you want to have room for more than a few pairs of shoes, consider saving space by placing flip-flops or socks inside bulkier shoes such as sneakers.

--Francesca Inguagiatto

For further reading:

A few other sites with travel tips:


