Club Highlight: Sophomore Year Experience

You may be familiar with the class FYE, which stands for the First-Year Experience. But what about after FYE? What comes next?



Emily Abbate

At LIM, you can also be a part of SYE. SYE stands for Sophomore Year Experience, but is also open to transfer students. Read my interview below with Emily Abbate to learn more about SYE!

Tessa: What club are you part of and what’s your status within it?

Emily: I am the Sophomore Year Experience coordinator. I help to plan events within student life for sophomores and transfer students.

Tessa: What year are you in and what is your major?

Emily: I am currently a junior marketing major with a concentration in cosmetics.

Tessa: What is your club about?

Emily: This program helps plan events to get students involved with other sophomores and transfer students, as well as to help students gather more information about LIM.

Tessa: What do you believe is special about your club?

Emily: I think this program is really special because it helps to connect students who are not necessarily new to college but want to meet new people and make strong connections within the school

Tessa: What are some events you do for the club?

Emily: We have just recently done a game night on zoom, but in the past, we have held mixers, movie nights, chat and chews, and so much more!

Tessa: How many meetings are there for the club per month and when are they?

Emily: There are not necessarily meetings, but we have tried to hold events at least once a month.

Tessa: How has your club changed amongst the pandemic?

Emily:We have had to go virtual, and we are just to trying to be as supportive to the students as we possibly can, as we know it is a very difficult time.

Tessa: Anything else people should know about the club?

Emily:We are here to help support students, and they can always rely on us for answers or help with anything they might need!