Undergraduate Students Blog

Finding an Internship at the Final Hour

Written by Kaitlyn Riley | 1/29/15 7:03 PM

Internships are so important for your personal and professional development (and are also a requirement to graduate from LIM College!) However, things happen. Life is hectic and sometimes the act of searching for an internship falls through the cracks and you find yourself floundering. Although leaving your internship search to the last minute is not ideal and can be stressful, it is important to not become overwhelmed or throw in the towel if you find yourself in this situation. Even if you only have a week or two to find something, give it your best shot!

Below are some tips on how to find an internship at the final hour:

  1. Employers are always posting new positions in Symplicity, so check there regularly! Make sure your resume is approved by your career advisor so you can apply to positions in Symplicity. 
  2. I would hope that most of you have a LinkedIn account, but if you don’t, make one! LinkedIn is a powerful resource that you can use to connect with professionals working in industries and companies that you are interested in. LinkedIn can be used to:
    • Find and connect with LIM College alumni
    • Schedule informational interviews with professionals working in your field of interest
    • Leverage existing contacts and let them know you are looking for an internship and to get introduced to other professionals
    • Leverage 1st level connections to get introduced to someone you would like to be connected to
    • Research companies of interest and see if you have any common connections to someone within the company
  1. When applying to positions in Symplicity and online, make sure you apply to internships that were recently posted. A position that was posted 2 months ago has probably been filled.
  2. Attend networking and professional events if possible. Even if you’re not currently searching for an internship, it is always important to put yourself out there. You never know what you could learn or who you could meet!
  3. Reach out to people you already know and let them know you are looking. This could include friends, family, professors, mentors and peers.
  4. Make sure you are specific about what you want, what you’re passionate about and where you see yourself. It would probably be helpful to develop a 30-second pitch like you would for a career fair or networking event so you know exactly what to say when the need arises!
  5. Make sure you visit the EECM office and speak to your career advisor—we are here to help you through the process!

By Kaitlyn Riley, Career Advisor