Motivation and Organization Tips

Personally, the start of every semester has me feeling incredibly excited. But at the same point, it can feel super overwhelming. This semester, I’m taking 18 credits, am apart of two clubs, have a mentor position, and am working for LIM's marketing office. Sometimes, it can feel like a lot of pressure. Overall though, I love everything I do, and as long as I stayed organized and motivated, it can be easy to lessen the stress and leave extra time for friends and family!

Back to School

Here are five steps you can take!

1. Buy a Planner… And Use It!

This sounds like such a simple thing, but really, it helps a lot. I personally wrote down all of my assignments each week before the semester began, but then I realized I was a little ahead of myself. Instead, I’d recommend every Sunday or Monday, writing down your assignments for the week and when they’re due. Some people prefer to do this in a notebook or on a post-it note, which works just as well.

With writing down your assignments helps lessen the stress of, “What if I forget to do something?” You can always refer back to your list to see your progress as the week goes on. I recommend prioritizing the hardest work or work that’s due first. I normally feel a bit burnt out by the end of each week. If I leave the easy stuff for last, it’s quick and painless to get done!

2. Take a Break When You Need To

Constant work is not good for anyone, and if you’re always working, you’ll never get time to focus on your own happiness. I would recommend going for a walk on days where you need some time away. Especially with so many of us studying from home. It can get exhausting to be looking at the same screen all day! So, get up, put on a mask, and enjoy the outdoors!

Student holding a Backpack by their feet

3. Wake Up More than Ten Minutes Before Class Starts

I know how tempting it is to want to get every moment of sleep you can before your Zoom session. Or, if you have in-person classes, to wait till the last moment to leave. But I find a rushed morning routine sets me up for failure. I recommend getting up at least an hour before your first class or before you have to leave to go on campus. The nice thing about this is you can make your morning a little me-time. If I get up early enough, I get to make breakfast and watch some TV, listen to a podcast, or read a book before diving into work. I find a relaxing morning sets up for a successful day.

4. Get Dressed!

While it’s important not to rush your morning routine, if you stay in your pajamas all day, you’re just going to wish you were still sleeping. Even changing from pajamas to a simple loungewear outfit makes all the difference. You don’t have to put much effort in—just try to change into something else!

5. Avoid Working in Bed

Again, working in bed is extremely tempting. (I’m doing it right now as I’m writing this blog. ) But it can be hard to focus. Also, I’ve found if I stay in bed all day, I have a harder time sleeping at night. A lot of time, it can be hard for me to do a Zoom call at my desk in the living room since I have a roommate, but just do your best to find a different work environment.