Undergraduate Students Blog

What College Students Should Be Doing During The Summer

Written by LIM College | 6/29/16 8:50 PM

by Mary Beth Maslowski

Sunglasses.jpgAaahhh, sweet summer is finally here! Perhaps you’re looking forward to a few months off from school, but it doesn’t have to be total downtime. Getting a handle on some of the items on the list below can put you ahead in the job search. Gaining experience makes you more marketable to employers, and that is a good thing!

 1. Add a new skill to your resume

Adding a new skill makes you more knowledgeable and more desirable to employers. You probably already know what programs are used in the fashion industry…Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, CAD, are a few that jump to mind. And if you want to go into public relations and marketing, those jobs often have duties related to websites and social media, so brush up on some HTML or Adobe Photoshop, and find out everything there is to know about social media platforms like keywords, SEO and analytics.

2. Find an internship

Yes, at LIM you do have to take a lot of internships, but another one can’t hurt. It can only help! You can gain more experience and knowledge about the fashion industry in an internship and if you’re not sure about your career path an internship is a great way to help you explore different options before you get ready to hit the job market. JobSearch.jpg


3. Get a summer job or volunteer

Try to find work where you can build up your resume in the fashion industry. Working in a retail shop is a great way to get experience with fashion folks and make you a well-rounded potential. And, if you can't find a paying job, you should find a non-profit whose work admire and volunteer!




4. Send a “Thank You” to your professors

In the beginning of the summer send your professors thank you emails, or go old school and send an honest-to-goodness letter with a stamp and everything. (C’mon, we get soooo many emails, a real letter will make you stand out even more!) Most of your professors are industry professionals and can be an excellent connection to a future job so a thank you can make you even more memorable!


5. Get your reference letters in order

If you don’t have any on hand, spend your time this summer collecting reference letters or letters of recommendation. Many jobs require recommendation letters and getting them now will save time in the future. Ask past professors (See #5.) of classes you did well in or previous employers to put your work ethic, character, and accomplishments into words. And even if a job doesn’t specifically ask for a reference letter, how awesome will that be if you send one along with your resume. You will definitely stand out among the sea of prospective employees.


6. Follow LIM College on social media! 

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