Undergraduate Students Blog

What To Do During Your College Winter Break in NYC

Written by Sophia Hardoy | 12/21/16 8:50 PM

Learn a new language

It’s always useful to know how to speak another language because it gives us many opportunities. Even if we only learn a little bit, we can communicate with a lot of different types of people and it can help us get acclimated to foreign countries. It can give us a significantly wider perspective. It’s also a great skill to add to a resume.

Buy textbooks for spring semester

We’ve already registered for classes so we should know which books we need to buy. Once we have them we can
start reading ahead. 

Get a job

We can return to our summer job or try to find a temporary job and we can plan ahead and look for a summer job. It’s always good to earn some extra money, learn new skills, and add a job to our resume.

Get a short-term internship

We could find an internship through connections or by searching online. It does not have to be fashion related, it
could be more business based and it would still teach us valuable things about the field.

Find a local place to volunteer

The holiday season is a time when everyone wants to be surrounded by loved ones, but we can always go out of our way
to somehow contribute to those in our community who are alone or cannot afford to celebrate. Visit a local homeless shelter, hospital, or soup kitchen.


One of the best ways to relieve stress and a great habit to develop of you haven't already done so. Now that we will have more time, we can make it a priority that can remain during the upcoming semester.

Make adjustments to your resume

We can update it by adding skills we might have learned during the semester, clubs we joined, jobs we had. etc.

Apply for Scholarships

Take the time to fill out and submit scholarship applications. You never know what scholarships are out there!