LIM College Entrepreneur: JoRocco Jewelry

Posted by Gabrielle D'Alessandro on Jun 15, 2015 1:35:00 PM


At LIM College, many students are aspiring entrepreneurs. Sammy-Jo Rocco, who graduated this spring, followed through by creating JoRocco Jewelry. Sammy-Jo is only 22. She launched the company in January 2013 but says she has had this vision since she was 12. She grew up in New York and has spent much of her life traveling; she has taken inspiration from all her travels to create jewelry that is unique and incorporates her finds.

“I was always interested in fashion; it was the one thing that traveled with me throughout the years, no matter what other careers I got interested in," she says. "I started making jewelry, I’d say more seriously for a kid, in 7th grade. I used to pick out my outfit for the next day and make matching necklaces at night when I was supposed to be asleep.”

When she was very young, Sammy-Jo because taking classes at a jewelry store. She created her first design, and the store owner loved it and wanted to buy it, but Sammy-Jo kept it and still has it today. 


At LIM, Sammy-Jo has taken many classes that she feels have helped her through the process. She knew coming out of high school that if she wanted to live off her craft, she would have to train her mind in all aspects of the fashion industry. She says LIM College and her professors here have helped me to see how beautiful and intricate the business end of fashion is. 

“The greatest inspiration LIM has gifted me stems from the professors who took their time to truly understand my goals and dreams," she says. "Professor Johnson calmed my fear of mathematics, teaching me that even a mind filled with paint and jewelry tools can accomplish numbers and equations. Professor Deming reintroduced my deep love for writing, inspiring me to practice storytelling in connection with JoRocco. Professor Collier strengthened my speech and stance, all while exemplifying the great power of womanhood. All have introduced me to the strong and confident woman that I had inside of me all along, a person who I never would have met otherwise. I am still growing and evolving, and I am very grateful for these professors who gave me a strong foundation.”


Sammy-Jo believes that there is no limit for potential growth. She says, “preparing for graduation was bittersweet, but I feel proud of the growth that I have experienced along with my friends here at LIM.”

Her greatest hope is that JoRocco continues to grow with her through the good and the bad.  It is her one true love, and she dreams of a life filled with jewelry as her main source of creativity.

Sammy-Jo is in the process of launching her website for JoRocco Jewelry, where her jewelry will be made to order.  She was recently featured at the LIM College Annual Fashion Show, Epocholution. You can check out her collection through her social media accounts, Instagram and Facebook.





Photos: Courtesy

Topics: accessories, fashion, lim-life