Customers First: Erik Nordstrom At Lim

Erik Nordstrom, President of Nordstrom Direct, came to LIM College in early November and spoke to retail-focused undergraduate students about Nordstrom's history, strategy, values, and career opportunities.

Have A Happy Thanksgiving & Fashionable Black Friday

Happy Thanksgiving from the staff at The Lexington Line. Here are some excellent Black Friday deals to keep in mind.

Entrepreneurs In Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable fashion is one of the fastest-growing segments of the fashion industry. A host of start-ups are using responsible supply chains and repurposed materials to use fashion as a force for positive global change.



Alexis Archer

Recent Posts

Customers First: Erik Nordstrom at LIM

Erik Nordstrom, President of Nordstrom Direct, came to LIM College in early November and spoke to retail-focused undergraduate students about Nordstrom's history, strategy, values, and career opportunities.


Have a Happy Thanksgiving & Fashionable Black Friday

Happy Thanksgiving from the staff at The Lexington Line. Here are some excellent Black Friday deals to keep in mind.


Entrepreneurs in Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable fashion is one of the fastest-growing segments of the fashion industry. A host of start-ups are using responsible supply chains and repurposed materials to use fashion as a force for positive global change.