Study Abroad Blog

Senior Co-op Internship in Ireland: Part I

Written by LIM College | 4/1/14 4:20 PM
by Kaitlyn Leonard (Class of 2014)

Since the spring semester began this past January, I have had the opportunity to spend my Senior Co-Op living and working in the south of Ireland at Fota Island Resort in County Cork.

The Lodges at Fota IslandThe Lodges at Fota Island

Upon my arrival in Ireland I thought their use of language and how they conducted business was going to be similar to how we speak and work in America, but to my surprise there are many differences between the two cultures.

The Irish people I have met are exceptionally laid back and have open hearts, little concern for time, and they give thank you’s by the millions. In New York, everyone tends to be caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, running past others to get to an appointment and drinking coffee on the go. The Irish like to spend time talking to everyone they pass and can spend an hour having a cup of coffee asking “How ya gettin’ on?” “What’s the news?” or “How’s the spin?”

Blarney CastleBlarney Castle

Working abroad as a Marketing Associate at Fota Island Resort has given me the chance to experience a wide range of international business concepts. Since being purchased in September by a wealthy Chinese family -- The Kang Family -- Fota Island Resort has gone through a great deal of change to integrate the Chinese and Irish cultures. These adjustments allow the Resort to be presented at a higher international level, catering to various cultures and clientele.

My role at Fota Island Resort has been to develop a subsidiary Destination Management Company to The Kang Family’s current travel operation businesses in China. Green Ireland International is an affiliate company to Xui Lan Holdings Ltd. and partner company to the soon-to-be-launched Fota Collection, which includes the recent purchases of The Kang Family, including Fota Island Resort, The Kingsley Hotel and four other perspective properties in Ireland.