Study Abroad Blog

LIM College Students Abroad: Day Trips from RMIT

Written by LIM College | 6/10/15 7:18 PM

by Alyxis Flaggs


RMIT University sponsors various trips and activities that are typically on the weekends and can last the whole day. So I have signed up for three trips so far, and absolutely loved the first one. During the trips you are able to get a guided tour of many different sites throughout Victoria for a great price, in addition to meeting other international and local students.

So far I have gone to Mornington Peninsula, Grampian National Park and Torquay. Another thing about these trips is that you don’t just go to that one particular place. You make stops along the way, and so you are able to utilize the whole time.


My first trip was to the hot springs in Mornington Peninsula. To our surprise we went to four different places in total.

The first stop was Arthur Seat, a beautiful hiking trail that overlooked Port Phillip where we had morning tea. After Arthur’s Seat we went to Sunny Ridge Strawberry Farm, and snacked on the freshest strawberries possible and walked around the farm.

Up next, was Cape Schanck, which was absolutely breathtaking. The pictures don’t even show how beautiful and serene it really is. The water was so beautiful and the rock formations so detailed and exquisite. I literally could spend everyday there because it was that peaceful and superb.

After that we headed back on the bus and stopped at a park to eat lunch. I can’t recall the name of the park, but we had salad rolls and chips, which are very similar to American subs. Now we were off to the last stop of the day, which was the hot springs.

I was under the impression that it was a natural hot spring that would be in the middle of nowhere in some forest or something. Well, it was the complete opposite. It was actually a spa. Although it wasn’t your typical spa, since the water was supposed to have all of these important minerals in it. There were these little pools similar to Jacuzzis, which were spread out outside. Although the hot springs were a bit of a disappointment, I still really enjoyed the trip and I can’t wait until the next one.
