Recap: 'Exposed: A History of Lingerie'

Posted by Aljon Velasco on Dec 15, 2014 5:00:00 AM


In mid-November, the Museum at FIT ended its four-month long “History of Lingerie” exhibit. The exhibit provided visitors with a chronological evolution of female undergarments. Several kinds of undergarments from the 18th century, all the way to the 21st century, were featured in the “L” shaped room, as well as framed art which complemented the displayed installations. 

Highlighted garments from the museum included a whalebone crafted corset, polka dot corset-bustle combination, free flowing silk dress gowns and modern lace undergarments, just to name a few. The gallery was filled with aesthetically pleasing designs that had variety within several different visual categories including fabric, color and pattern. 

The exhibition was quite interesting. All of the installations were well presented and designed to spark your curiosity. All of the elements of materials and fabrics included in this presentation of the evolution in lingerie helped give the impression that lingerie is delicate, revealing and erotic, but there was also a great sense of history and how various trends in lingerie can helup us mark time. Somehow, it led to me looking at a 19th century corset catalogue.


I found it interesting that doctors prescribed corsets for their patients in the late 1800s. 


Also, who knew they made corsets for infants, children and young ladies? View the whole 19th century lingerie catalog hereAlthough the museum did not allow for any picture taking, there are images and additional information on the exhibition here.

Topics: fashion, culture