#LexLine Print Edition Hot Off the Press

Posted by Maranda Janky on Mar 27, 2015 5:32:00 PM


You may or may not have noticed that the online home of The Lexington Line has been a bit dormant in the last few weeks. Well, we needed all hands on deck to complete the content and layout for our inaugural print edition, which we are releasing today at Accepted Students Day and tonight at LIM College's 71st annual fashion show, Epocholution. For this magazine, we researched and produced articles, conducted professional interviews, assembled a showcase of strong student writing and styled photo shoots. Look for a copy around campus or just drop the Writing Center in Maxwell Hall and pick one up! Here are some behind the scenes shots of our editorial team hard at work!


Managing Editor Maranda Janky does makeup for our cover model, Samantha Pawluk, before the shoot.



Lots of editing...



Lots of choices...


Editor in Chief Alexandra Pine and Creative Director Aljon Velasco shooting our fashion forecast spread.



More shooting...



Marsala! Aljon Velasco shoots Samantha Pawluk.



Aljon Velasco works out some final edits.



Working on the cover...



The editors! Left to Right -- Ashley Heinke, Culture Editor; Aljon Velasco, Creative Director; Alexandra Pine, Editor in Chief; Angela Trakoshis, Beauty Editor; Sarah Lobel, Social Media Manager; Maranda Janky, Managing Editor