All women love shoes, right? But how many times do frustrated shoppers say, "Ugh! They don't have my size" or "They don't have the color that I want"?
MPS Marketing student Jasmine Zamora balances grad school at LIM College with a freelance marketing assistant position for Christian Dior. Not too shabby for a part-time job, right? How did she get this coveted dream job?
Part one of our interview with Susan L. Bauer, Senior Director of Experiential Education & Career Management on graduate students and internships.
by Jacqueline Jenkins, Director of Graduate Studies
Some people dream of great accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them.
- Anonymous
Deciding to get a graduate degree is a major commitment of money and time and a decision that can have a significant impact on your future. Before you decide to go to grad school some things you should consider are: