Corey Kindberg

A Fashion Photo Shoot at My Desk

Posted by LIM College on Tue, Sep 27, 2011 @ 09:09 AM

So now that New York Fashion Week is over, it's time for Market Week. This is the time when buyers and editors come in to look at the collection after it has been shown to see what they can sell or use in a magazine editorial.

Before that though, we need "look books." Imagine my surprise when I walk into my office the other day and my desk is gone and has been replaced with a photo studio! staff Staff Profiles Desktops & Documents mfinnin My Documents My Pictures Website images blog photos corey week4 resized 600
Right there in the dang on middle of my work space they were shooting the S/S 2012 Collection for Prabal Gurung! It was amazing to watch the shoot director call out poses and for the stylist to fix the looks and make everything perfect.

It's invaluable experiences like these that make me value my internship at the CFDA Incubator. I had so much fun on the set, definitely something everyone should experience!

Topics: LIM College, fashion industry, internships

Fashion and Social Media: Never Stop Networking

Posted by LIM College on Mon, Sep 19, 2011 @ 01:42 PM

While this post nothing to do with the CFDA it has a lot to do with reaping benefits from any internship. Internships are the best place to network with anyone possible. Especially if you work in social media as I do.

We twitter mavens have this little sacred thing known as a tweet up; in which all who handle a twitter account step away from their TweetDecks or HootSuite and get together.

I was lucky enough to meet the lovely ladies who handle social media for the effortlessly chic brand known as Tibi at such an event. You may be asking what is the point, well, this networking event led to an invite to sit front row at the Tibi S/S 2012 fashion show. staff Staff Profiles Desktops & Documents mfinnin My Documents My Pictures Website images blog photos corey week3 resized 600

First row seats are coveted, as is an invite to any show. These shows are also amazing networking events and give you the chance to mingle with industry professionals. Lesson of the story? Never stop networking, you never know where you might be invited to go.

Topics: LIM College, social media, internships, fashion show, Fashion Week

Tweeting for Vogue During Fashion's Night Out

Posted by LIM College on Tue, Sep 13, 2011 @ 11:45 AM

This past Thursday was the annual Fashion's Night Out (FNO) -- a day when your favorite celebs and fashion icons come out to celebrate and kick off the start of September Fashion Week.

After doing Fashion's Night Out before, I can pretty much say I've seen it all and I took the day off - sort of. Instead of going out, I was sitting in the offices of Vogue tweeting from the official @FNOnyc twitter handle.

If any of you tweeted and I retweeted or tweeted to you, well that was me! It was awesome! Four other social media mavens sat at computers screaming out the most interesting of tweets to come through on our feeds. It really was amazing! Who knew the power of social media could go so far? It was like I was there with all the twit pics being sent in! staff Staff Profiles Desktops & Documents mfinnin My Documents My Pictures Website images corey week2 resized 600
The picture above is an analytics site that shows the trending topics in the world. As you can see, FNO was trending just about everywhere. It was absolutely an amazing experience! 

Topics: LIM College, fashion industry, internships, Fashion Week

Fashion Week is Almost Upon Us: In the Studio with Bibhu

Posted by LIM College on Wed, Aug 31, 2011 @ 09:38 AM

This semester I have the wonderful opportunity of interning at the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) Incubator, a program that helps mentor and drive upcoming designers in New York City. I'll be creating my own social media content, helping the designers, as well as doing many awesome things for the CFDA.

With Fashion Week upon us things are more than crazy in the showrooms. This past week during my internship I was able to see what it was like for Bibhu to style his looks for his presentation. It was an experience that I'll never forget. Laying all the clothes out, dressing the models, selecting the run of show. You never realize how much time and effort goes into a 5 minute show. 

This pic is of Bibhu in his studio styling the looks. (I got it from the CFDA Incubator Tumblr.) staff Staff Profiles Desktops & Documents mfinnin My Documents My Pictures Website images bibhu resized 600

Topics: LIM College, fashion industry, internships, Fashion Week

Making the Move to an Apartment

Posted by LIM College on Tue, May 31, 2011 @ 02:10 PM

This week’s topic is apartments. A few of my best friends recently moved out of the dorm and into a new apartment in the Financial District of Manhattan. One word for their apartment – gorgeous! It features two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a living room the size of two dorm rooms. All at a bargain price – each of the three students pay less than they would to live in the dorm. Talk about being depressed coming home from their place and going back to my dorm room.

But of course I recommend any freshman to dorm their first year – it helps a lot. It allows you to build relationships with other students and make lifelong friendships and connections for your future endeavors. It also provides a sense of security for students that are new to the concrete jungle. Even though the dorms may seem expensive you receive full cable, internet, room phone, private bathroom, 24/7 security, gym, laundry, and experienced supervisors.

After your freshman year you may start to get a little cramped, so getting an apartment may be ideal. There are many ways to go about getting an apartment. One is by hiring a real estate broker, searching craigslist, or by using my favorite website It allows you to narrow down your search results by price, location, and size.

I’m currently in the search for the perfect apartment for myself for the next semester! Wish me luck!

Topics: LIM College

Calming Down at the LIM College Math Center

Posted by LIM College on Wed, Apr 13, 2011 @ 10:26 AM

Ever get those weeks where everything just stresses you out? Well, I do, and last week was that week. With paper on top of paper and test after test I sometimes feel like I can't handle it all.

I think one thing LIM College does best though is calm down their students -- with benefits like the Math Center. Our school has a full-time math tutoring center available to all students for all math classes that are taught at LIM College. With a huge math test last week, I spent most of my time there. It is so great because I get to learn from either students who already took the class, or I can sit down with my teacher and go over anything I feel that I don't fully comprehend.

After spending hours upon hours there last week I can honestly say that without that Math Center I wouldn't be doing as well. I strongly urge current and new students to take advantage of the Math Center - it really helps.

On Friday we had our annual student fashion show. It is produced and created by the Fashion Show Production Club. They set up the whole venue, looks, entertainment, and even the surprise industry celebrities.

The show was called "Kemet," and was Egyptian-themed. Most of the models were students. We even had a great performance from the LIM College dance team that they created on their own.

LIM College really knows how to get their students involved. There are so many clubs and groups to join. We have clubs for all fashion interest, such as the Styling club, Photography club, and many more. There really is something for everyone. It also provides experience for every student's future endeavors.

Topics: LIM College, fashion show, student clubs, math center

Fahion Magazines, Fashion Writing and an Elle Woods Moment

Posted by LIM College on Thu, Apr 07, 2011 @ 09:55 AM

This week was a rather boring one for my friends and me. Apparently, this is the week when my professors like to overflow me with work and make it impossible for me to have any fun. I just keep telling myself that in the end it will all be worth it.

One of my classes that is a requirement for Marketing majors is Business Law (taught by Professor Brotz). It is probably one of my most surprising courses. I had a bit of an Elle Woods moment where I contemplated law school. It is one of my most interesting classes and consists of everything from doing role-plays to analyzing movies that have to do with court cases.

My favorite classes are Fashion Writing and Fashion Magazines! Professor Hallay, like many teachers here at LIM College, has real industry experience. She was a fashion forecaster and trend reporter for Doneger Group and was responsible for her own fashion magazine.

In Fashion Magazines our end of the year project is to construct our own magazine. My career goal is to be a trend reporter, so my whole magazine is a forecasting magazine about what I think the future trends will be. We get to direct and style our own photo shoots and come up with ideas for articles – it really is so much fun.

The same goes for my online Fashion Writing course. I am given a different topic each week and have to develop and article/or story based on that topic. With Professor Hallay my writing has improved immensely. I suggest everyone take her for at least one class.

Topics: LIM College, fashion communications, writing, fashion classes

Discoveries: A Jacket and a Summer Fashion Internship

Posted by LIM College on Thu, Mar 31, 2011 @ 09:25 AM

Have you ever had that feeling of discovery? Well I just did this past week. During one of my self-exploration days where I go shopping I discovered something great. While venturing down Broadway in SoHo I was on the hunt for the perfect leather jacket to wear when I go out. I decided to give a store that I don't have much faith in a shot -- I went to Daffys.

I found my jacket. Dark blue, 100% leather, studded under the material, and cute decorative zippers...I die! How much? Originally $350 and got it for $90! I know! I strongly urge anyone to check out Daffys, preferably the one in SoHo - it has the best selection!

In other news I got my summer internship with Stylecaster as a Marketing intern. If you don't know what Stylcaster is let me tell you. It's on online lifestyle magazine. They do editorials on anything fashion-related, and more. A few of their recent articles were on the SxS music festival, a profile of a well-known model, tips on the best skiing places, and of course shopping tips.

My job as a Marketing intern will be to assist the Marketing team. I will be helping out with events, doing marketing research, and I even get to write for the website if I have any good ideas. I'll be living in the 1760 3rd Avenue dorm this summer - it really is the best option.

Topics: LIM College, internships, shopping

A Fashion Student's NYC Spring Break

Posted by LIM College on Mon, Mar 21, 2011 @ 10:02 AM

Spring Break came and went. I've got to say it was by far one of my best. A whole week to do absolutely nothing. No projects, no homework, no being a "happy Hilfiger" at work, and the best was no early wake-up calls.

I'm not sure what was more fun this week. Could it have been venturing to the a place I never thought I'd go - dare I say it, Brooklyn? My perspective on the borough has completely changed, all because of some hipster friends at NYU. A few friends and I hopped on the subway and went "thrifting" in Williamsburg! I got a real "bang for my buck" in Brooklyn - great finds and low prices.

I think I had the most fun though during my late nights out. The whole week I got to gallivant around the swanky Meatpacking District with some of my closest friends. I didn't have to worry about being up in time for class the next day - or handing in an assignment. Dancing the night away and mingling with great people is one of the reasons I love this city. Staying out 'til 4 am with my best friends and then finishing the night off at my favorite restaurant, Cafeteria.

Cafeteria is located on the corner of 17th St & 7th Avenue, a 24- hour restaurant, with some of the best food. A great place to wind down from a great night. Little tip - the more you go, the more the door guy at night will recognize you, and give you line- cutting privileges.

Topics: LIM College, thrifting, restaurants

Spring Break: St. Patrick's Day Parade, Internship Interview, New Jersey, New Wardrobe

Posted by LIM College on Tue, Mar 15, 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Finally! The week I have been waiting for -- Spring Break is here!

At LIM College Spring Break is one of the biggest holidays for us students. It means a whole week without having a project due, a paper due, or a test. Or, for the lucky ones, a week away in some warm area of the world. staff Staff Profiles Desktops & Documents mfinnin My Documents My Pictures Website images shamrock resized 600
For me, I make a break for it! I pack my bags and run off to New Jersey. I turn off my email accounts and try and get some rest and relaxation. I love taking a break from the city, as you probably already know from my previous post.

However, I must get back to the city by this Thursday. It's a big day for everyone in New York --  the Saint Patrick's Day Parade. A whole day filled with great friends, good food, and good times. I also have an interview with StyleCaster that day for an editorial internship, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Keep yours crossed for me too.

I somehow also convinced my mother to give me a nice sum of money so I could get a new Spring wardrobe. I'll keep you posted on the best deals!

Topics: LIM College, internship, NYC

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