by Ruby Munoz (Class of 2016)
I thought my last day interning at Saint Laurent was going to be a typical one, but it wasn’t.
I was working on my last project when someone came into the office and told me that he needed my help in the stockroom. So I went with him and when we got there, all my managers and some other co-workers were waiting for me. They all started clapping and I was like, "What is happening?"
They had a cake for me with "Thank You Ruby" written on it. I wasn’t expecting that! They also had a card on which they had all written thank you and goodbye notes, plus they gave me a gift certificate for a spa.
I also had something for them. I gave my three managers a thank you letter and I brought chocolates for all the sales associates. It was the perfect last day. Interning at Saint Laurent for a full semester was a great experience.

Ruby completed her Industry Exploration Internship at Saint Laurent Paris during the Spring 2014 semester.