by Nicole Porras
My roommate, Lauren, is from the beautiful city of Hobart, Tasmania. (See photo below.) Although I have only seen her home on Google maps, I am looking forward to going to visit her home and explore Tasmania right after our final exams.
When I moved into RMIT Village I had an American roommate, also from New York. But lucky for me, I met Lauren, we quickly became friends and decided to move in together. I personally think that living with someone not from your home country is a great way to step out of your comfort zone and meet new people.
I highly recommend anyone staying at RMIT village in the future to request an Australian roommate because it is pretty common for them to pair study abroad and exchange students as roommates. But of course, if you're looking to make more American friends, that is fine too! It’s all about what you are comfortable with and what you want out of your Australian experience.
So… as I was saying, I am really excited about visiting Tasmania. We plan on going to scenic places such as Wineglass Bay, Russell Falls, the Bay of Fires and more. Tassie is filled with so much natural beauty and wilderness.
Even more excitingly though, I am really looking forward to some of her families home cooked meals. She is always telling me how her dad grows his own herbs and vegetables in the garden, goes fishing for his own fish and even goes diving for his own clams for meals.
I find this so amazing. Who goes diving for their own clams?! I love that. I can only image how deliciously fresh and tasty their meals must be. I have seen some pictures of their dinners and it just makes my mouth water every time. I’m sure Tassie will be an adventure to remember!
And in more good news, Lauren is planning to study abroad in America next year and we are currently looking at schools for her to attend. A big, “YAY” to new friends, and exploring new places. (A photo of Hobart, Tasmania is below!)