Pierre Cardin was not a foreign name to us, but we had no idea what was awaiting us behind the humble doors of his Passé-Présent-Futur (Past-Present-Future) museum situated on a quiet street in Paris’s Marais neighborhood.
On the outside, it looked like any other apartment building: a cozy courtyard off of a cobble stone street, simple pillars outside the door, and delicate windows with flowers. However, the inside was quite a different story.
A lovely woman who had been working for Pierre for over fifty years greeted us the door with a warm smile and open arms. As she took us into the main room, our faces lit up in amazement as we gazed upon the most detailed and comprehensive archive we had ever seen.
The museum featured fashion, furniture, and accessories from the very beginning of his career all the way up the to present day. Our lovely guide spoke in detail about the influence of the pieced that were on display. It goes without saying that we were in complete fashion heaven as she led us through the floors of the museum to show us over 100 pieces from Pierre’s personal archive.

Any time we had a question, she would joyfully answer from a place of knowledge one can only gain from having a personal connection and dedication to the brand.
This type of experience is something we would never have been able to see or access on our own. Not only did we not have any clue that such a wonderful place was hidden in the quaint streets of Paris, but it was only because of the amazing connections of Mod’art that we were able to tour such an amazing archive.