Professor Michael Londrigan
What a great trip it was! The five weeks I spent in Rome teaching at the American University of Rome (AUR) flew by. It was an amazing experience from the people I met, the places I visited, and the food I ate, all created a lasting memory I shared with my life partner, my wife Marie. The weather cooperated so the lack of air conditioning was not an issue in our student housing although many of the students never mastered lighting the gas oven with a match! The class was an eclectic group of global proportion (Bangladesh, Panama, Sweden, Indonesia, South Korea, Kansas City, Cleveland, Atlanta, New Jersey, and Staten Island) which made the Global Fashion Marketing class come alive.

As this was our inaugural foray sending visiting faculty to one of our study abroad partners, it is our hope that a professor from AUR will teach for us in summer 2015 and we then will send a faculty in summer 2016 and on and on. The LIM College student population was also represented in the second summer session by Rufina Yusupova, Gianna Rivera, and Kaycee Dawson. Rufina, who is hiding behind mustache man in the picture, was in my class while Kaycee and Gianna studied other subjects.
Rufina, Gianna, & Kaycee after dining at Tony’s in Trasterverde!
The beach at Monterosso el Mare, the Italian Rivera about 4 plus hours north of Rome by train.
This was our last weekend and it was a great one. That’s if from Italy, until the next time.
Dean Londrigan