Earth Day has sprouted and is now a full week. In reality it should be every day as we should always treat the planet as a treasure.
This merry band of earthlings assembled at my behest at the Eileen Fisher (EF) store on 521 Madison Avenue. Katrin Grotepass and Zita from EF invited me to participate in an earth day (week) celebration. So I naturally extended that invite to our students and professors. Professor Andrea Kennedy who is very passionate about sustainability and saving the planet one student at a time jumped at the opportunity as did Gabrielle Standish, Jennifer Zyto, Kendra Lehner, Lyndsey Pace, Kimmie Rose Levia, and Madison Ross (pictured left to right).
The students set up a poster presentation showcasing their work in sustainability from their product development class while Professor Kennedy displayed several books on the subject.
EF is very much involved in corporate social responsibility and sustainability. Ms. Grotepass is the assistant manager of the store and she is also a talented designer in her own right. Katrin up-scales gently used EF products and repurposes them for sale. Her designs are all unique one of kind and much love sweat and I would imagine tears goes into her work.
We engaged shoppers and shared our point of view on sustainability and expressed that the students were the future and they all agreed that earth day should be every day!