Thanks to one of LIM College’s Visual Merchandising professors, I had the chance to assist with the fabrication work of this year’s Macy’s Christmas Windows. Professor Paul Olszewski is Macy’s Visual Director and heads ...
The Iron Merchant visual merchandising competition was held at Maxwell Hall during Family & Friends Weekend. During the event, four teams were given a mannequin and about an hour to design and finish a concept inspired ...
At LIM College, the Product Presentation course is taught by Paul Olszewski, the Visual Director at Macy’s. As a senior, this is my last visual merchandising class (bittersweet). For this class, we were asked to create ...
A few months ago, I was given the chance to participate in the Saks Fifth Avenue Student Window Challenge, sponsored by DDI. It was an amazing experience.
My IRDC by Gina Mercatili (Class of 2012) - Merchandising Coordinator, Barclays Center
LIM College Visual Merchandising majors Erin Mino and Bianca Bartolo are doing Summer 2013 internships at Grottini Retail Enviroments in Porto Recanati, Italy.
This semester I'm taking Fashion Photography, Product Presentation, Visual Merchandising: History, Theory & Practice, Finance, Direct Marketing, Consumer Behavior and Senior Co-Op Prep. As you can imagine, it's a busy semester and I'm feeling the ...