While living in New York City there are some legal documents that you should have that will help make your life easier during your years at LIM college. These documents are not obligatory and some international students don’t even get ...
Time management is a pretty complicated subject for college students. Even though we have some important responsibilities, in this phase of our lives we still want to be able to enjoy the many social activities that come along. I have ...
Oh, the Senior Co-op! If you think your other internships were hard, this will take the experience to a whole other level. The Senior Co-op internship is the last internship we need to complete in order to graduate from LIM College, ...
Wow! This was fun. I can’t even believe that I can say I am finally done with college. I now have a Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Merchandising. How exciting is that?
It’s funny how it seems that it took forever to reach the end of this tunnel, but it actually went pretty fast. It kind of feels like it was yesterday that I was excited for my first day in college.
Having a social life can be kind of tricky when you are in college—especially during the senior coop semester. However, it is important for me to take time to see my friends, have a date night with my boyfriend or to just do something ...
Even though I’ve done many internships during my years at LIM College, I wasn’t really sure how things would play out for the Senior Co-op. I am in the real world now—doing actual work, being responsible for tasks and feeling like ...
Hey there! My name is Dasha and I am originally from Moscow. This is my third year at LIM College and I’m a junior, majoring in Fashion Marketing with a concentration in Public Relations & Event Planning. I live off-campus, renting an apartment in ...
Every time I tell any of my friends about studying abroad, they look at me and say “but you’re already studying abroad!” I know, I know…it sounds kind of funny sometimes. Yes, I am studying abroad at LIM now, but since LIM offers many different ...