LIM College recently introduced a new graduate degree program: the Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Fashion Merchandising and Retail Management. By offering an array of graduate degrees, our students have the ability to choose the program that caters to their individual career goals in the fashion industry.
Since there are now two master's degree programs that focus on the fashion business, many prospective students want to know which degree program is the better one to fit their needs.

The MBA has two distinct concentrations: Fashion Management and Entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurship concentration will benefit anyone who is looking to start their own business venture, or looking to take their existing fashion venture to a higher level. The classes featured within this concentration are designed to provide you with the knowledge on how to launch a business, attract investors, grow the business, and ensure its continued success.
On the flip side of the MBA is the Fashion Management concentration. A student pursuing the Fashion Management concentration is aiming for the executive level. The end goal of these students is to become the person in charge of strategic initiatives in a fashion company. This concentration is for someone who envisions becoming a leader, boldly taking a business towards its goals.
The MPS in Fashion Merchandising and Retail Management has a narrower focus. This degree was designed to empower its students to transition into the fashion industry by entering into the fields of retail management, buying, fashion forecasting, or retailing. The curriculum consists of courses in merchandising, product development, visual merchandising, and branding.
What's the best way to know which program is right for you? The answer comes from talking it out. Give me a call (646-218-4124) or send me an message. By discussing your career goals and ambitions as a professional in the fashion business, I can advise you on making the right choice for the best graduate program for you.