So you want to be an entrepreneur. As you round out your MBA studies, and map out your entrepreneurial career, you’re probably wondering how to move forward. Recent LIM College MBA graduate Kristen Pagan co-founded her new business, SeamBliss, while still in school. Join us as we follow her story, and discover what it’s like to truly build a business from the ground up.

LIM: What is SeamBliss?
Kristen Pagan: SeamBliss is an online community for unique, handmade apparel. It connects customers who are looking for one-of-kind fashion directly to its designers. For designers, we offer great marketing exposure, so they can focus on their craft.
LIM: How did you get started on the entrepreneurial path?
KP: I was working a corporate job in fashion, and was very unhappy. While I was job-hunting, I heard that my current business partner was looking for someone to help with his start-up idea. We met up, and he showed me his business plan. After a thorough analysis, I felt confident about his venture and decided to join him.
LIM: What gave you the ultimate push to go forward with a start-up?
KP: At my corporate job, there was no excitement. There was a lack of engaging…in short, boring. With SeamBliss, I get to see a business build from the ground up. It’s very fulfilling, and I love it.
LIM: What’s on SeamBliss’s horizon?
KP: Well, right now we are working with an accelerator program in New Jersey called TechLaunch. They give us guidance with accounting, legal, and networking. We have our Demo Day coming up on November 1st, where we will be pitching to investors.
LIM: What LIM class do you think best prepared you for the challenge you face in your new business?
KP: Definitely Entrepreneurial Finance and Intrapreneurship. Those classes were pricelss.
Don’t forget to tune-in for more updates on Kristen’s entrepreneurial journey, and don’t forget to check out!