By Victoria Stankus

Should you say no to an opportunity?
Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes, you’re not sure what that reason is. People tell you that if study hard and do well in school you will land the job of your dreams. It is that simple. But is it?
During the months leading up to graduation, looking for job had moments that were both stressful and terrifying. There are jobs that you apply for knowing that you don’t even really want them, but hey, a job is a job, and of course, who doesn't want (or need) a job?
I received an offer for a position in a company that I was not thrilled about. Now, I have always been the type that wants to be in love with what I do, because it drives me to walk through the doors in the morning and do the best I can with a smile on my face.
Needless to say, I took the job and began thinking that there had to be a reason why I'm supposed to be with this company. I remembered my conversation with Lou Amendola, CMO of Brooks Brothers, who told me “To never say no to an opportunity even though it may not be what you want. It is still experience and will make you into the person you are meant to be.” So, I guess this company is my stepping stone to greatness.
While I was interning at Paul Stuart, I had a talk with my supervisor, Bob Green, CMO, who also said something that stuck with me. "If you have the ability to take a job that focuses more on building a foundation and experience, take it. This will help you climb up the ladder easier and successfully instead of struggling.”
What I am trying to tell all of you is that when you are looking for a job, it's alright to take something that might not be what you want, for it will build you in to the person that you are meant to be. The career of your dreams will come, and when it does, you will be even more proud of yourself since you fought harder to be there than another person. That fight and desire goes a farther distance than having what you want come easy. Fight for your dreams, and never, ever, stop.