Presidents' Day weekend is one of my favorite times of the year because it means I get to enjoy a long weekend! Since I had the luxury of having Friday AND Monday off, I took a little mini-getaway to Atlantic City. I went down there for the Lady Gaga show (yes, I went to see her a second time) which was really awesome and fun. I also ended up getting lucky and winning $100 at the slot machines! I could not have asked for a better weekend. It was just really good to get away and do something different than the typical routine of work and school.
However, as the weekend ends I am forced to face the reality that I need to go back to the grind this week. Having been so caught up with interning, I have kind of completely been ignoring my Capstone project. I feel so stressed and overwhelmed because the project has been consuming my thoughts but I just keep putting off working on it. I need to find some motivation this week to really get back to focusing on this project so I do not have to drive myself crazy with stress at the end of the semester.
As I mentioned, I have gotten so involved with my internship in terms of projects I am working on and such. My big project last week was getting a Facebook fan page up and running for the company. I am totally responsible for creating and implementing a social media strategy for the company, which is a really big accomplishment for me. I spoke my mind about how I think the company is lacking in the social media department and then I pitched my ideas and now I have this huge responsibility! It’s a lot of work but I’m really excited because I’m going to learn a new skill (social media marketing) that will look awesome on my resume.