by Erin Meade (Class of 2014)
Thanks to one of LIM College’s Visual Merchandising professors, I had the chance to assist with the fabrication work of this year’s Macy’s Christmas Windows. Professor Paul Olszewski is Macy’s Visual Director and heads the team that creates the windows.

The windows are very interactive this year and the overall aesthetic is fun, with a whimsical Christmas story twist. I did everything from paint Christmas trees to help sculpt and smooth out the ice sculptures. I was able to bedazzle the reindeer’s antlers -- and even helped out with the LED lights that turn into fairies. I remember walking in on my first day and seeing each window displayed along the wall.

The windows create a marvelous experience for anyone walking by, through providing an effortless dream that becomes magical. It is a beautiful Christmas story that is told throughout all the windows. Prof. Olszewski also explained the ideas and concepts Macy’s decided to go with this season to our class.
Photo by Eric Feigenbaum
It was an honor to be able to work on the windows and be a part of something that inspires and delights so many.
Merry Christmas, LIM!
Photo by Eric Feigenbaum
Here is Prof. Olszewski with LIM’s Associate Chair of Visual Merchandising, Marjorie Lee Woo.
Photo by Eric Feigenbaum