London update. On Tuesday we left the hotel in London and came down to the countryside to a town called Bedfordshire where my grandparents live. I planned to stay with them up until Monday. It’s about 3 hours away from London and although there isn't much to do within walking distance, let alone find a Starbucks, we planned to go out nearer the end of the week to a bunch of places where I’d be able to take lots of pictures and videotape the experience.

I started to really miss New York. I missed walking everywhere, Starbucks, Barnby (my dog), Mauro (my boyfriend), macaroons (the best thing ever), 40 carrots (delicious frozen yogurt), Serafina (the best pizza you will ever have) and even LIM College.
They say that no place is like New York and that's certainly true. When people hear my accent and ask which I like better, I always say that they are two completely different places and cultures, but that I will always live in NYC, just because I'm such a city girl at heart. I plan to live in the city forever and ever.

I also get extremely homesick, which is why although I love to travel, I could never study abroad like some of my friends from LIM are doing at the moment. It looks so beautiful though, and if I had the guts to leave Manhattan for more than a week I would totally love to study in Italy, Paris, London or some of the other amazing countries that our school offers us in their study abroad programs.
At the moment a short trip seems much more appealing given that I’m such a big baby when it comes to leaving home and familiarity but hopefully this stage will pass and maybe by next year I will study overseas. Imagine all the pictures, cultural differences and scenery!