by Erin Meade (Class of 2014)
One of my last projects in my Product Presentation class was to design a storewide promotion. The inspiration we were given was graffiti. As a group we had to design four vitrines and a mannequin presentation. They are now on display in LIM College’s 5th Ave building.

We decided to drive home the graffiti theme by implementing the design on the skirt and all the vitrines, which would house props that would tie back to the display.

Our store concept was high-end, therefore we had to take the graffiti and make it look elegant and neat. We decided to grid the backdrop of the mannequin by using frames that would be graffiti-ed as well. We also added one mirror on the backdrop to help give it that high-end luxury look.

We used black pumps, a gold rich necklace and vibrant lipstick throughout the vitrines. Each vitrine had it’s own purpose – to promote the fashion apparel and accessories that would be featured at this high-end store. Overall, the concept was fun to design and implement.