My day as a LIM College student majoring in Marketing has truly varied throughout the time I’m studying here. I have actually added more and more online and hybrid classes as each semester passed. The reason was that I realized it’s the best for my overall schedule, especially if I am factoring in time to intern two days per week.
I try to plan my schedule with classes on Monday and Wednesday, and keep interning to only two days a week. I know many companies tend to ask students to go in at least three days a week but I personally want to leave one free weekday for myself to run errands, and luckily companies that I have interned with previously were all very understandable.
After all these years at LIM, I think I have gotten very used to and comfortable with having a weekday off. It’s just really nice to take a stroll in the city without bumping into people and crowds on the weekends. Soho or the West Village at 11:30 in the morning is truly a blessing, especially if you are up for shopping quietly.
I have also grown to function and work a lot better on the weekends, locking myself in my apartment and knocking all my weekly assignments off seemed to go much faster than it did on weeknights. (But of course many of the online and hybrid classes required participation and online discussions during the week.)
My Senior Co-op semester will definitely be a wake up call for me to get ready to be back in the real world. A jam-packed schedule with four days of interning and one day of school will certainly have me missing those quiet Tuesday afternoons grocery shopping in Trader Joe’s with no line.
Until next time…